You’ve been standing at
the luminous edge
of your creative aspirations.
Isn’t it time to Fly?

As creatives, our aspirations often take us down the road less travelled. This can be exhilarating, but it can also be unnerving!
What if you had access to a guide who has successfully forged her own creative path, someone who has helped countless others do the same?
What if you could have a one-on-one session with…
Your Own Creative Mentor?
Are you aching to…
Start or develop your creative online business
Bring a creative project to life
Build your body of work
Share your work with the world
Transform from student into teacher
Brave living as the artist you are
Overcome your fear of being seen
Let art take up more space in your life
But you…
have no idea where to start
are overwhelmed by options
find it hard to trust your own instincts
are afraid of getting it wrong
get caught in the comparison trap
keep reading books/taking classes but not taking action
have no role models
are shaking in your boots
Say Yes
To A Creative Mentorship Session

What if you don’t have to figure it out
on your own?

Your Guide
Jamie Ridler
Writer, Artist & Creativity Coach
I have worked as a professional coach with aspiring, emerging and established creatives for close to 20 years and have been a creative all my life. I’ve run a successful online business for well over a decade and have created many transformational courses, as well as a much-loved podcast and YouTube channel. Through my work, I have helped under-expressed creatives find their inner compass and forge the courage and confidence to answer the artistic call - and when they do, it changes everything!
Becoming a seasoned artist, coach and entrepreneur has taken time, effort and wholehearted commitment. On the journey, I have learned a lot. In a Creative Mentorship Session, I share that hard-earned wisdom with you.
This isn’t a course. I’m not offering a cookie-cutter formula. This is an opportunity to draw on my years of training and experience and apply it directly to your situation.
Bring your questions and challenges and together we’ll cut through the knots and get to the next right steps. I will bring my coaching toolkit. Whatever experience and wisdom I have, I will openly share.
I will be your creative mentor.

I claimed my authority,
I came to coaching intellectually ready to take my creative life to the performance level (in my case, querying agents) but was stuck on the actual doing of same. It intimidated me, sometimes angered me, and left me with a lot of doubt and anxiety.
After coaching with Jamie, I claimed my authority, no longer worried about the “gatekeeping” and subjective nature of the publishing world but convinced that this long-held dream of seeing my book in the world and finding readers who will love it WILL come true. I am stepping into this phase of the journey from a new position of strength: calm and grounded in my practices, more deeply aware of my own magic, and armed with practical tools honed and ready to hand when needed.
Jamie has a remarkable gift for meeting people where they are. She listens deeply and compassionately, asks amazing questions, and is full of magical ideas. She challenges you with such gentleness half the time you don’t even realize you’ve been challenged until afterwards. And she is the absolute Queen of reframing, giving you powerful new language to combat old, unhelpful messages.
I recommend Jamie without hesitation; her coaching is one of the greatest gifts I’ve given myself.
Lorraine Thomas
Say Yes
To a Creative Mentorship session

Work with
an Experienced Guide

your Creative Mentorship Session
The Magic Begins When You Sign Up
Book your session and immediately receive a collection of clarifying questions. This pre-work will help you hone your focus and ensure that we place our attention where we can make the most powerful impact during our time together.
I Meet You Where You Are
Once you submit the pre-work, I pore over every word. This is my chance to get to know you, your vision and your challenges. I will look for keys and clues, asking follow-up questions if needed. This allows us to start our session grounded and ready to roll.
We Enter the Studio
We will treat our time together like a sacred studio, diving into the work of creating momentum with inspiration, love and vigour. We will show up with all the wisdom we have and in a dynamic back and forth we will partner to discover your path forward, a path that feels just right.
You Emerge with Powerful Next Steps
You will emerge from our session with next steps rooted in the truth of our discoveries, actions that honour your heart, your pace and your unique road.
You Take Flight
Now the key is to turn those plans into action! For two weeks after our session, we stay connected as you start implementing. You can reach out with updates, questions and to share celebrations. This is invaluable! No more filing newly found plans under ‘someday’. With me in your corner, the time for action is now.
Down the Road
If the going gets tough or you find yourself on another luminous edge, for three months you have an exclusive opportunity to book follow-up sessions at a special rate. Picking up where we left off, we’ll be able to dive deep so you can soar!
Creative Mentorship Hour Investment: $500 USD
Say Yes
to a Creative Mentorship session