Awaken the Spirit of your inner artist on this yearlong journey into the magic of practice.
In The Studio, you will travel alongside like-hearted souls embarking upon a year of creative magic. You will journey through the seasons, following the moon and your heart, attuning to your inner compass and saying yes to creative impulses. You will discover and embrace your true artistic nature through the power of practice.

“Practicing an art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow... “

a touchstone in my life
“The Studio in the School of Creative Magic, has been a touchstone in my life this year. Each week, there is nothing I await more eagerly than the opportunities to learn from Jamie and also participate in the live sessions. And I say this as a consumer of tons of online learning material, currently enrolled in more than 20 programs. None of them touch this one.
Fortunately, The Studio has begun to work magic on me in terms of helping me to distill what is really important in my life, so I can let some of those others go, focusing my efforts on manifesting my creativity instead. This is the place that offers a unique and remarkable opportunity to be with wonderful creatives under the guidance of Jamie's compassionate, empathetic, funny and deep guidance. It is beyond what I ever expected in a non in-person program, and has contributed immeasurably. “
Gouri Krishna
Whether you are an awakening, emerging or established creative, practice is the alpha and the omega.
Practice is the renewing well you turn to again and again, the powerful root that both grounds you and supports you in reaching new heights. It is how you invite inspiration and assure the muse that you are ready for her arrival. It is the earth beneath your feet as you dance your way through wild creative adventures. Practice is your path to self-knowledge, inspiration, discovery, mastery, resilience and so much more!
Practice brings you home to yourself whenever you have lost your way.
In The Studio, Practice will be our portal to Creative Magic.
“When you are born,” the golem said softly, “your courage is new and clean. You are brave enough for anything: crawling off of staircases, saying your first words without fearing that someone will think you are foolish, putting strange things in your mouth. But as you get older, your courage attracts gunk, and crusty things, and dirt, and fear, and knowing how bad things can get and what pain feels like. By the time you’re half-grown, your courage barely moves at all, it’s so grunged up with living. So every once in awhile, you have to scrub it up and get the works going, or else you’ll never be brave again.”
Catherynne M. Valente, The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making
Have you ever forgotten that you are an artist at heart?
Have you left behind creative dreams and pursuits in favour of being ‘realistic’? Were your ‘talents’ assessed and found wanting? Did your soul’s expression become a hobby you get to whenever you happen to have the time? Are you a creative professional who has forgotten why you started making your art in the first place?
There are a million reasons why you might tuck your true artistic self away. But what happens when you put that part of your soul in the attic and forget about her?
After decades of experience working with creatives, here’s what I know.
You got smaller and quieter. Your edges began to harden. You lost your vibrancy and thought that was just a part of growing up and getting older. You searched for a sense of purpose and struggled to find it. You felt like a misfit, like you were ‘wrong’ in some way, never quite clicking with the crowd. You shared less and less of yourself until you didn’t know your own mind, your own preferences, your own way. You went along to get along and the world turned slowly grey. You wondered where meaning and joy went. You wondered where you went.
Freeing your creativity is an act of soul retrieval.
All you have to do is open the door!
You will be amazed at the resilience of your Creative Spirit!
All she needs is room to roam, to play, to explore.
She needs to feel the sun on her face and the earth under her feet.
She longs to dream under the moonlight and dance through the seasons.
She needs to cut paper and take pictures and paint.
She aches to run her hand along the clothes in her closet and dress for who she is and who she wants to be.
She needs to pour her feelings into poetry and tell stories by candlelight.
What you & your creative spirit need is to treat life like a studio.
Imagine a simple and empty space. I like to think of it with wood floors, white walls and big windows.
All is quiet. Nothing is happening.
Until you arrive.
When you step in, the studio comes to life.
Suddenly it is full of your ideas, your explorations, your risks and memories, your work and play, your colours and choices, your success and failure, your laughter and tears – the riches of your creative life.
As it fills with your dances and photographs, your paintings and poetry, it takes on a personality.
The Studio becomes a place that could only belong to you, an expression of your unique spirit expressed in this world.
Your life is your studio!

No one teaches you how to live an artist’s life.
Your Guide: Jamie Ridler
When one of my students told me, “No one teaches you how to live an artist’s life” as a thank you for what working with me had done for her, it was a moment of dazzling clarity.
This is what I have been doing in one way or another my entire career, sharing what it means to live, breathe and create as a sensitive artistic soul in this world.
It is what my artist mom taught me.
It’s what I’ve been living and learning throughout my life as an artist and career as a creative coach.
And it is what I am going to teach you in The Studio.

You are a creature of magic, capable of great wonders.

more creative work
“I know that I'm going to end this year having done more creative work and learnt more about my own creative work in one year than in the decade that preceded it. Because now, in May, I have already arrived there! The great thing about the teachings is that they are "evergreen" and going deeper just brings more nourishment. I still return to The Welcome Video!!! That video is pure genius :-) I could spend a year just working with that content alone!”
Sara Tannå
The Studio
In this yearlong program you will discover and develop your own creative magic by harnessing the power of practice.
bring your creativity to life through Practice
When teaching Creative Practice, I asked my students what had changed in their life as a result of practice. Here are just a few of the proven ways that practice can enhance your life.
Practice Creates…
A deeper connection with yourself, your voice, your vision, your inner wisdom and the divine
An awakening of inspiration, ideas and possibilities
Structure and purpose in your days and in each season of your life
Support for your physical, mental, spiritual and emotional well-being
Room to let go of old stories, resistance and blocks
An approach that takes the pressure off, allowing you to work in an incremental way
Opportunities to hone your skills and develop your craft
Space to experiment, discover and make ‘mistakes’
A sense of accomplishment, progress and often joy
Growth as an artist and as a person
A balance to your creating and consuming
A conduit that gives thoughts, feelings and creative energy somewhere to go
A way to process and make sense of life and lived experiences
Readiness, ensuring you are prepared to act when inspiration and opportunity arise
Self-trust as you commit and follow through on your intentions and desires
An invitation to synchronicities and magic
Something to look forward to every day!

You are an artist and your life is your studio.

intentional creative practice
"The Studio gives me glimpses of magic so I can taste the difference as I learn to recognize magic in my own life. I've recognized I already do lots of activities that support my interests but often on a passive level e.g. read poetry but not write it. I'm becoming more active in participating. Creative practice is more intentional and almost daily. I ended up in a poetry writing class and had to perform one of my poems. I wrote poems for my granddaughter and for several friends' birthdays. Where did all that come from? Magic."
Jane Parker
practice creates a magic so potent that it spills out of The Studio and into your life.
In the gentlest of ways, your practice calls the lost parts of you home.
Practice invites your awareness to emerge like the growing light of dawn.
Your practice is the tinder that allows your creative spark to take flame.
With grounded surety, each step of your practice amends your path, aligning your life ever more fully with your heart.
Then one fine day you look around and realize, you are walking the path of your dreams.
May all that is unlived in you,
Blossom into a future,
Graced with love.

Awaken your creativity & a world possibility opens before you.
Within the Studio you will find teachings, practices and principles that will take you through a year of awakening your creative magic!
The Studio Experience
Teachings from Jamie
EVERY MONTH Jamie will share an offering to support the unfurling of your creative life. (Lessons downloadable for lifetime access!)
LIVE! Q&A with Jamie
EVERY MONTH bring your creative challenges to a live Q&A with Jamie for support from an expert creative coach and shared wisdom from your fellow artists.
LIVE! Studio Session
EVERY MONTH, we’ll make sure you’re creating by having shared studio time! The magic is exponential when we create together.
LIVE! The Reading Hour
EVERY MONTH, we’ll gather for some cozy reading time. Imagine the joy of discovering what's on the bookshelves of other creative hearts!

we dance
as our resident DJ, I’m known as starshyne. i craft mixes that loosen the grip of the mundane and make way for magic. My musical ministrations and the sanctity of our dance floor will lovingly remind you that you are more than your roles, more than your stage of life, more than any definition could hold.
You are a creature of magic capable of great wonders…
And on this dance floor, you will remember.
A creative coach for over two decades, I use my understanding of the artistic spirit combined with DJ skills forged in a world-class program to create transformational dance experiences. My musical repertoire crosses genres and eras. Expect the funky, the moody, the uplifting, the nostalgic, the raging, the irrepressible, the stirring, the soulful, and the mystery.
As a member of the Studio, you’ll have access to four Dance events, one for each of the seasons.
Online Practice Check-Ins
EVERY WEEK, through a simple practice of intention setting and celebration, we will create a rhythm that supports your practice.
A Year of Creative Magic
Embrace the turning of the year with practices, exercises and visualizations on new moons, full moons, equinoxes & more.
A Creative Community
Members of The Studio will gather together in Mighty Networks to share their hearts, their insights, their wisdom & their practice.
The Studio Yearbook
(VALUE: $100 USD)
ALL FOUR EDITIONS of this guided seasonal journal are included. The yearbook is a powerful support for your artistic development and your creative practice.
The Art of the Altar Workshop
IN THIS 6 LESSON WORKSHOP, you will learn to create an altar that has deep personal meaning, and discover your unique expression of sacred space.
Create your Year of Dreams
(Value $200 USD)
A FULL YEAR of dreamboard practice, supported by guided meditations and intuitive exercises. Connect with the power of the moon The Studio Way.
Start your Studio Practice now!
Your Creative Practice
This workshop is designed to introduce you to the principles of creative practice and to help you choose a meaningful practice to take on for this season. Grab something to write with and something to write on and give yourself about an hour to engage with this workshop.
This foundational workshop will be delivered to you WHEN you sign up!
More Bonus Lessons Delivered
as soon as you sign up!
Magic & The Mundane
Learn how to access everyday magic through three powerful portals. Use The Matrix of Creative Magic to develop an ever strengthening connection between the magical and the mundane in your everyday life.
The Secret Ingredient is You
Discover how your preferences can be potent sources of energy and power. This lesson offers perspectives and strategies for revealing your preferences and the magic that is awakened when you align your life with what you find.
Friction & Flow
All artists long for more creative flow. In this workshop, learn a simple and practical methodology to support you in creating a powerful combination of ease and follow-through by working with creative current.
Join The Waitlist
Registration for the Studio is currently closed. please join the waitlist to be the first to know when registration opens.