The time to be
the artist you are truly meant to be
is now.
Devotion is a 3-month artistic immersion in your creative work. It is a powerful catalytic container in which to create a body of work and claim your artistic identity once and for all.
At the centre of your soul there is a truth that you’ve always known, whether others could see it or not…
You are an artist at heart.
You may not be a professional artist. But you’re not a hobbyist either. It’s hard to describe where you fit. It’s hard to find where you belong.
That’s because the world has offered a skewed and limited view of what it means to be an artist. The message we receive is that artists are born with undeniable ‘talent’, they are the ones recognized and validated by the powers that be and only a select few are chosen.
I’m here to tell you that’s a lie.
Being an artist has nothing to do with gatekeepers or velvet ropes.
Being an artist has nothing to do with whether or not you get paid.
Being an artist has nothing to do with being chosen.
Being an artist has everything to do with choosing yourself
and the path ofArtistic devotion
Down this path you will find there is a secret world full of inspiring creatives dedicated to their art.
Artists who live and breathe and work in the space between ‘hobbyist’ and ‘professional’.
Writers working on memoirs. Actors putting on shows. Musicians giving concerts. Filmmakers creating documentaries.
These are creatives who place their art at the centre of their life because they love it, because they are called to.
How do you know you are being called?
a creative adventure full of
magic, mystery and meaning
Your art, whatever the medium, whether it’s painting or dance or music or design or writing or pottery or photography, your art is at the centre of your life – or you want it to be.
Your art matters more than you can say.
It is essential, like breathing for your soul.
And yet..
And yet you struggle to get to it, struggle to find the time, the focus and the energy.
And the less you do, the more you are plagued by doubt, the more it seems like a cruel joke that you’ve been given the passion but not the path.
You worry the world is right. You weren’t born an artist. That’s for ‘those’ people, not you. You might as well listen to the naysayers – your parents, your partner, your teachers, the gatekeepers, the critics. Maybe it’s time to give it all up in favour of a safe and regular life.
I’m here to say, “Don’t give up.”
Choose your art.
Choose yourself.
Choose Devotion.
This path of artistic devotion won’t promise you a profession. It won’t promise opened doors, cash on demand and millions of raving fans.
What it will promise is a creative adventure full of magic, mystery and meaning.
It will wake you in the morning and ask you to dance. It will whisper inspiration in your ear and unlock wisdom hidden in your heart. It will weave magical threads between you and the divine. It will call out the best and bravest in you and the more you say yes, the more your wings will unfurl.
You too can be carved anew
by the details of yourdevotion.
Mary Oliver
Instead of another season wishing you’d done more artwork…
Instead of worrying you’re running out of time…
Instead of trying to convince yourself (or others) that your art is worthy…
Imagine spending an entire season immersed in your creative pursuit, a body of work pouring out of you while you lose track of time, your confidence building with every piece. No more waiting to be deemed an artist – simply being one.
Instead of feeling bloated with ideas that never find expression…
Instead of spending your life on things that matter less…
Instead of waiting for permission…
Imagine you had a framework and support to help you channel your gifts and resources into your work, your real work. Finally, the sweet relief and deep satisfaction of taking your novel, your concerto, your documentary, your photo essay from dream to reality.
Instead of being that nice lady who likes art…
Instead of being that person who used to dance…
Instead of being someone who could have been, should have been an artist…
Imagine becoming the artist
you know you are meant to be.
I am amazed at the shift in how I see myself as an artist and how I approach my work; truly, Devotion was transformational for me.
This is the path of artistic
and you are hearing the call.
Your Guide:Jamie Ridler
I have heard the artistic call myself and though my heart was full of desire, I struggled to answer.
Like you,
I am an artist at heart.
But…I have never been an easy fit for the professional creative world.
My first love was dance but being an (almost) 5’4″ curvy girl did me no favours. I gave up my dance dreams in favour of a safe and respectable English degree. That resulted in a steadfastly mediocre life until I discovered theatre. I came alive. I loved the work and blossomed until I faced, once again, a professional gateway that felt like a locked door.
How could I be an artist in this world?
What set me free was realizing my artistic calling has nothing to do with the worldly concerns of a career. My soul wasn’t born with this passion so that someone else could determine whether I expressed it or not. No one else gets to decide whether I dance or draw or sing.
That is up to me – just as your art is up to you.
I became unwaveringly committed to my creative work, to expressing my artistic soul. My relationship to my art has become unshakeable.
Choosing the path of artistic devotion changed my life.
Devotion freed me from waiting for permission or approval. It gave me the courage to follow my own heart and find my own way. Now it infuses my days with clarity and my life with purpose – and a part of that purpose is helping creatives like you find their way.
For almost 20 years I have been offering coaching, classes and creative content that has helped thousands of aspiring, emerging and established artists gain the courage and clarity to fully embrace their artistic self and create with confidence.
I want that for you.
That’s why I have taken everything I have learned and distilled it into this potent and magical program, Devotion.
I am here to invite you onto the path.
What is Devotion?
A deep dive into your creative work, an intimate intensive designed to set your inner artist free.
In Devotion, you will establish a vision of yourself as an artist, design a program of study for the season and then focus on the main task at hand: creating with passion and abandon.
By the end of the program, steeped in weeks of work and wisdom, you will develop an artist statement, create a portfolio of the season and celebrate in an intimate and supportive showcase.
Throughout this journey, you will have my support. I am an experienced writer and artist as well as an expert creative coach who has helped thousands of aspiring creatives find the confidence and courage to bring their creativity to life. You will also have the great benefit of being in a supportive circle of like-minded artists who are on the path.
The relationship of an artist to their work holds an alchemical magic. As each of the artists who have gone through this program have discovered, when you step into a season of deep devotion, you cannot help but be transformed.
Devotion is
Alchemical Magic
I highly recommend Devotion to anyone looking for more clarity and the courage to make their dreams a reality.
Last year, I attempted an at-home artist residency to work on my illustrated book. While I made some headway, I was still completely unsure of my vision for my end result, and I certainly did not have a clear plan to get “there” (wherever that was).
By the end of week 2 of Devotion, I was crystal clear on my project and even created a great working plan of exactly how to reach my goal. I’m still totally amazed at how quickly that came together. This is a supportive wise circle of creatives, and Jamie provides just the right amount of guidance plus tools to navigate the process. I am now working daily on my book, and feel so free to simply create!
When you step into a season of deep devotion, you cannot help but
be transformed.
The Path of Devotion
Create a Vision On the path of Devotion, you start with a map. You will ground yourself in knowledge of your current artistic self and then develop a vision of the artist you want to become.
Design Your Course of Study With support, you will turn your vision into a doable devoted curriculum, establishing an inspiring and meaningful course of study to pour yourself into this season.
Create with Abandon Once you have a vision and a plan, it is time to do the great and powerful work of immersing yourself in the dedicated creation of your art. This is where the magic truly happens.
Roots & Wings
deepen your Roots & unfurl your Wings On Mondays we will meet to celebrate your progress, deepen what you’ve learned and get you ready to keep creating in the week ahead. In Devotion, we will regularly tend your roots and your wings!
you’re not alone The path of devotion is full of challenges for the artistic heart, from fear to sorrow to self-doubt. You won’t face these challenges alone. You will be supported by a professional creative coach and an intimate group of artists traveling the same road.
there’s magic in the doing With a season dedicated to your artwork, your confidence will grow as you become witness to your own magic. In the words of Vincent van Gogh “If you hear a voice within you say ‘you cannot paint,’ then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.”
celebrate After a season devoted to your work, you will gather your work into a seasonal portfolio and create an artist’s statement rooted in your lived experience. In a spirit of celebration, you will share your work and what you have discovered about yourself as an artist to me and your fellow devotees.
Learn the 12 Principles of Devotion
Each week you will learn a principle of Devotion that will support you on the creative journey well beyond our time together.
Creative Coaching Sessions
In this program, you have direct access to coaching from an experienced creative mentor on the obstacles that come up when on the artistic journey.
Inspiring Studio Sessions
You don’t have to do it alone! We’ll have opportunities to gather together, set a creative goal and dive in. This is fun and powerful way to make progress and celebrate together!
A Celebratory Artist Showcase
As we close our season of Devotion, we will come together and each of you will share highlights of the artwork you’ve created and insight into the artist you have become.
An Opportunity for Ongoing Support
When you complete Devotion, you will have a special opportunity to sign-up for an ongoing mentorship circle exclusively for graduates. With our roots in the same principles, this creative community will nourish you as an artist for seasons to come! I’ve also been known to throw an event or two just for alumnae!
I am an artist and feel like one for the first time in my life.
I had a longing to connect with my art in a deeper more personal way. I have taken classes for thirty plus years in a variety of mediums but never really explored any one of them deeply. I rarely pushed myself beyond what I was comfortable with or what I had mastered. Devotion is my gift to myself to do just that, to go deeply into a medium that excites me but has never gotten a lot of my attention or effort.
In the first week of creating, I logged 9.25 hours in my studio “making”. I logged my goal and intention for each session, what I did, and then reflected on the work. Each day, I make sure I’m dressed, teeth brushed and a little makeup on, breakfast-ed, and house in order and get to my studio by 9am to work until noon or so. Artists show up and do the work. That’s what I’m doing! I am an artist and feel like one for the first time in my life. “
Claudia Needham
Abstract Artist
Is Devotion for You?
No matter where you are on your creative journey, it can be hard to see yourself as an artist. Add to that a healthy dose of creative self-doubt and you may feel like you’re ‘not ready’ or that Devotion isn’t for you.
Let’s use a different measure.
Does the idea of spending 3 months devoted to your art make your heart sing?
Do you have a creative project (or projects) you’ve been longing to dive into?
Have you taken ‘all the classes’ and feel you’re ready explore your own ideas?
Are you interested in creating what only you can create?
Do you ache to embrace your identity as an artist?
Do you dream of having creative conversations in a community of artists who ‘get it’?
Would following proven structures, getting consistent support and receiving expert guidance help you get (and stay) focused and creating?
Join the Wait List
Devotion is currently in session. The artists are creating and the magic has begun. If you would like to know about the next session of this program, please sign up for the wait list now. You’ll get first notice - and first access - to registration!
Taking this extended time to know the value, the worth, the beauty of my writing and how essential it is helped me realize it will always be a part of my life. It changes me. Something happens deep within me as I step into my art. After Devotion I feel as though a door was opened to a kingdom that I get to explore. The possibilities are endless.
I would never have called myself an artist before. I do now.
Kem Stickl
Are you ready to become
the artist
you know you are meant to be?
Join the Wait List
Join the Artists of Devotion
How Candi Realized She Truly Was an Artist
Everything makes more sense now. My relationship with my art is tender and loving. I give a project the time it needs and enjoy every aspect of the process. I trust myself and I believe that I will have the art show I have always dreamed of.
Devotion was in every way magical. It makes everything sacred. I will honour it forever. I will always keep it in my heart. I believe it’s something every artist should do.
I’m filled with a kind of joy I don’t remember feeling for many years.
For me, Devotion was an exhilarating experience, a blend of magical and practical elements. Jamie is a skilled mentor who created space for us to emerge and grow as artists, and to witness and support each other’s growth. There’s something powerful about working on your art in a group where others are working just as hard on theirs.
Devotion helped me get unstuck as a writer and regain confidence in my creative process. I learned a secret: my Muse communicates with me when I’m actually writing. I need to write regularly even when I’m not working on a specific project. That was a huge discovery! For me, the act of writing itself brings forth ideas.
Jamie also imparted a sturdy set of principles, practices, and tools to guide our creative projects, during the program and into the future. That was another crucial piece of the puzzle for me: how to design a project to move forward with my writing. I’ve just started my second Devotion project, building on what I learned.
The energy of Devotion has spilled over into other creative endeavors, and I’m filled with a kind of joy I don’t remember feeling for many years.
Anne DeMarsay
Fiction Writer
I was actually able to get to my art instead of just thinking about it.
Devotion was the perfect opportunity for me to do what I’ve always wanted to do.
During Devotion, I felt like I was in a creative bubble where my art was what I was supposed to be doing. I started showing up every day and not just for 10 minutes here or there. Devotion gave me permission to show up for my art in two or three-hour stretches. The curriculum centred and grounded me. I knew what I was working on. I had a goal in mind. I was devoted and I was on cloud nine. I had never felt that way in my life, like I had no obligations other than this class and my art. I was actually able to get to my art instead of just thinking about it.
Amy Christaldi
Devotion is one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself as an artist – and a human!
As I reflect back on this season of ‘Devotion’ – I remember having some doubts about whether this intense commitment was right for me.
But, as soon as Jamie welcomed me into the program, all of that vanished. With her wide heart & joyous spirit, she relates to everyone with the same enthusiasm, openness and respect regardless of skill level or experience. She is masterful at weaving together a group of diverse artists who inspire & encourage each other by nothing other than expressing their own artistic truth.
Jamie’s beautiful teaching & deep insights speak of her intimate knowledge in how to bring the best of who you are as an artist out into the world. She is an excavator of the light hidden deep inside and her warm, intuitive guidance allows you to find your own way into that light.
My view of myself as an artist, how I relate to my art and what’s possible as I move forward are all dramatically changed after this amazing summer. I know without question, ‘Devotion’ is one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself as an artist – and a human!
Portrait and paper-cut artist
I truly needed this residency and I accomplished more than I dreamed of.
This summer I spent in a 12-week online artist residency called Devotion with Creativity Coach Jamie Ridler and a small group of artists. My goal was to know myself as an artist, to give myself permission to create in my own rhythm, to learn more about what is inspiring and informing my artistic practice now, and create a body of work. This was delightfully achieved! And has set me on an artist journey just now, in this pivotal time in my life.
I learned to be devoted to my art practice and embraced a seasonal rhythm for developing my curriculum which leads to new discoveries, new art commission work, new art for my studio, but most of all, honors creativity as what enhances every other aspect of my life. I must create, because creativity matters. The physical results of my residency includes painting with watercolor, watercolor gouache, acrylic gouache in a Lucy Brydon leather watercolor journal, finishing a pet commission while learning ways to paint botanicals and flowers, painting fur on animals, planning a rocking chair project, making SoulCollage(R) cards as part of my spiritual practice, studying and learning from other artists’ books and e-courses, being inspired by everything woodsy and whimsical. It was so much fun! So inspiring, yet challenging as well.
Having regular meeting times with other artists and Jamie, our creativity coach, to work together as well as learn and journal together was life-changing. I truly needed this residency and I accomplished more than I dreamed of while still working in my counseling & coaching practice, playing with my grand-daughter, and doing life! This residency was about self-care as much as body of work. This Fall, I am planning on using the same principles I learned in Devotion to develop my Fall art practice.
Susan miller
visual artist
It has forever changed my life exactly as I dreamed it might.
Devotion has allowed me to pause and remember why I create. In all the busy-ness of life, and my life as an author-creator, I do do do and I forget to receive and relax and enjoy the rituals of everything that I do, including my art. That is where my love of art exists. Not in the doing, but in the allowing and in the dance between my questions and my art’s perfect answers. Devotion is for me, about commitment to myself first. And then my craft. And then the to do’s within my craft.
Jamie’s uncanny ability to hear each voice in the circle in order to take them to themselves, and their art, is unparalleled. No one I have ever worked with hears my true voice, the voice I love and want to spend all my time with, like Jamie. I am forever grateful for any time in her presence. This investment has been invaluable to me. It has forever changed my life exactly as I dreamed it might.
adrea peters
It was better than any course I have ever taken in my life including my Masters degree!
I can say that Devotion was one of the biggest and best things I have ever done in my life (right behind raising 2 amazing kids). It was better than any course I have ever taken in my life including my Masters degree. If you are thinking about taking this course, I highly encourage you to do so. It is life altering and the artist you grow to be in that 12 weeks will never look back.
Gilly Speelman
Before Devotion, I had started a new writing project. I was working on a novel. I was excited about it, but I also felt like it was a huge learning curve. I felt chronically stuck and blocked. I wasn’t feeling that sense of flow that I wanted to have.
When I saw the description of Devotion I felt like, this sounds like something that would really help: exploring my own creative process, doing it in a community and having Jamie as a coach. I'm so grateful that I decided to make the leap.
Devotion asked me to center my creative self and to experience it as the organizing principle of my life, to see it as the way my heart works instead of a little compartment that I could close the door on and put away.
Now I feel a sense of trust with my writing and myself as a writer. This is who I am. I am proud of doing the work.
Because I care so deeply about my writing and my creative work, I just need to be doing it to be a healthy, happy, functional human. I feel more like myself, more connected, more confident with my writing and my creativity. There's a confidence that comes from being who you are. Devotion helped me become more aligned, to become more myself.
Amy Breau